
So yesterday my school took a field trip to Dream Forest in North Seoul. I’ve driven by a billion times to and from my way into central Seoul but I’ve never gotten a chance to go! Needless to say, I was pretty excited to get to go and see what it was all about!

So we headed out in the morning and got there, took a walk around the grounds (also known as the hour we take pictures to market the school….) and then we headed over to this open space to do a sort of field day with the school’s gym teacher. Sanggye ECC also came on the field trip so of course it was Junggye team and Sanggye team all day. Lol.

The Sanggye ECC students and teachers had put this huge orange star on their backs before they got here, probably to tell the students apart, but it totally looked like a scene right out of Dr. Suess’s Snitches… You know, “stars upon thars” Yeah, it totally was.

If you have no clue what I’m talking about… check it out below! Lol.

Anyways, back to my story.

We had a sort of field day with racing, obstacles and lots of different games. The kids had a blast!

Then it was time for lunch. Ever wonder what a Korean mom packs for her kid? Check it out!

After lunch we headed up this huge hill to get to the observatory tower.

We had to go up this long hill, then steps inside the building

then a slanted elevator then a normal elevator…

but hey, we made it!!

I was pretty excited because the observatory was used in a really famous Korean drama called IRIS so it was decorated in an IRIS theme. YAY! I love me some T.O.P.

Afterwards it was time to head home.

I really wish we had gotten to see more of the park because there are a lot of really nice trails and they have a deer sanctuary and a moonlight waterfall and a lot of other nice areas but I think it would have been too difficult with the kids so I will DEFINENTLY be going back to the dream forest in the near future before the leaves drop! YAY!

It’s really nice, living in a HUGE city, to have so much nature surrounding me. That is actually one of the things I like the most about Seoul: The fact that they have incorporated so much nature into the city that you can always find a nice retreat. Places like the dream forest allow me to escape the concrete city and helps me to relax. And seeing how it’s not too far from where I live, I will be going back very very soon!


1 Response
  1. Janet Says:

    Absolutely LOVE the design of your blog! Just came across you from Korean Blog List! Happy teaching! Janet