Happy Pepero Day!

Talk about a “hallmark holiday” if I ever saw one, Pepero day is the day you g out and by Pepero for your loved ones and for your friends. As a teacher I got a LOT of pepero. Totally yummy!

Pepero is the Korean version of pocky which are little biscuit sticks dipped in chocolate...

You can also get the kind rolled in Almonds or Peanuts...

As well as the “nude pepero” which is biscuit on the outside with chocolate in the inside...

Then there are the GIANT pepero sticks...

Now Pepero day is on November 11th every year and the explanation behind this is that the date [11 11] looks like a box of pepero. Cute right?

Anyways, overall it was a fun, sugar filled day! Check out the booty this pirate collected!


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